Fortnite: 007 Merciful Angel is a remake of the game Fortnite in Unreal Engine 5. The project was commissioned by Aaron Moulton for his show “The Influencing Machine” at the Ujazdowski Castle Museum for Contemporary Art in Warsaw. I built it from scratch and rebuilt my childhood neighborhood in Belgrade, Serbia from google and memory as the setting for the game. ‘Merciful Angel’ is what the Yugoslavian people mistranslated the name of the NATO campaign in the 90’s. It takes place in 1999, but also 1946, but also 2022. You play as Dusko Popov, the man that Ian Fleming wrote the character of James Bond after, who happens to be a Serb. The project uses the conceptual operations of the Fortnite franchise to freely make cultural referents across boundaries because the game itself does that by including different characters from different intellectual properties within itself. You can play as Pickle Rick while swinging through the trees of a pixar like landscape with your Spiderman glove while chasing down Predator.